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Most Canadians Are Unaware of PM’s Annual Salary

Most Canadians Are Unaware of PM’s Annual Salary

A new survey has shown that the majority of Canadians do not know how much Justin Trudeau earns annually as prime minister. It was found that only 18 percent of the people surveyed correctly knew the salary range of the PM. After getting to know the actual salary, 41 percent said it was “too much.”

Research Co. has revealed the results of a survey of 1,000 Canadians who were asked how much PM Justin Trudeau earns annually. It was found that only 18 percent of them correctly said the PM earns between $301,000 and $400,000 annually. For reference, Trudeau’s salary this year is $379,000.

The survey also noted that 42 percent of people believed the prime minister’s annual salary was under $301,000 while 24 percent believed he made over $400,000 annually. According to a news release by the president of Research Co., Mario Canseco, “Only nine percent of Liberal Party voters in the last federal election believe the prime minister’s salary is higher than $500,000 a year. The proportion is higher among those who supported the Conservative Party (17 percent) and the New Democratic Party (19 percent) in 2021.”

After the survey, which involved 1,000 Canadians, the participants were told how much the PM earns annually and 41 percent believed it is “too much.” On the other hand, 47 percent stated that it is “about right.” Of the people who believe the salary is too high, 52 percent are from Saskatchewan and Manitoba, and 51 percent of Albertans believe the same.

The survey results were analyzed from an online study conducted between Feb. 9 and Feb. 11. The margin of error is +/- 3.1 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

Vineet Washington


CanadiansJustin Trudeau’Prime Ministersalarysurvey