Ontario Khalsa Darbar Announces $2M Funds in Institution’s Account, Offers Help to International Students

There were hundreds and thousands of congregations from the Sangat within 2 days of the New Year Celebrations.
Ontario Khalsa Darbar Announces $2M Funds in Institution’s Account, Offers Help to International Students

Ontario Khalsa Darbar, one of the largest Gurudwaras in the country organized a special program on New Year which was attended by thousands of devotees. “International Students and residents of the area gave us tremendous support in helping organize this program,” said Committee President Harpal Singh.

There were hundreds and thousands of congregations from the Sangat within 2 days of the New Year Celebrations. The Gurudwara hall was filled to its complete capacity on New Year’s Eve with more devotees pouring in every moment. The program was also live telecasted for those who could not travel to the Gurughar.

Formerly widely known as Dixie Gurughar, and after huge demand from the public, the Gurudwara has placed a huge signboard of “Ontario Khalsa Darbar” outside the building, facing Derry Rd.

On New Year’s Eve, President Harpal Singh announced about 2M CAD and approximately 135,000 USD in the institution’s account, with all the major bills paid. He further called out to any international student who needed help in the shape of Groceries, Blankets, or Jackets to reach out to Gurdwara’s main office or call at 905-670-3311.

The recent committee was elected by the public recently and in the past 8 months, they have successfully completed the construction of Kiratpur Park, repair of the parking lot, major landscaping, and construction of 8 rooms for the Raagi Jathas visiting Ontario Khalsa Darbar. Sikh Devotees from all over Canada and the US visit the newly inaugurated Kiratpur Park for the last rites of their loved and dear ones.

The gurudwara is also offering the service of issuing SIN Numbers for new immigrants to the country and with the support of the federal government, they issued more than 10,000 SIN Numbers last year and the service will resume this year from January 9, 2023. SIN Numbers are issued in the Gym Hall, which is in the basement of the Gurudwara. Every year, several blood donation camps are also organized by the gurudwara, and they are working endlessly towards the upliftment of society.

It is significant to mention that, unlike previous committees, this time, all the members are from different families and not just a few.


Prabhnoor Kaur