Canada’s Population Surpasses 41 Million, Driven by Immigration Surge

As of April 1, 2024, the country's population reached 41,012,563.

Team Parvasi – Inside

Canada’s population has officially surpassed the 41 million mark, according to the latest figures from Statistics Canada. As of April 1, 2024, the country’s population reached 41,012,563, reflecting a 0.6 percent growth in just the first quarter of this year.

The substantial increase of 242,673 people from January to March is primarily attributed to immigration. Statistics Canada reports that Canada welcomed 121,758 immigrants during this period. This influx of newcomers has been a significant driver of population growth, contributing to Canada’s expanding multicultural landscape.

In addition to permanent immigrants, the country also saw a significant rise in non-permanent residents. The first quarter of 2024 saw 131,810 new non-permanent residents, further bolstering the population. These non-permanent residents include individuals on various temporary permits such as work, study, and visitor visas.

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Interestingly, Statistics Canada highlighted that most of the growth in temporary immigration occurred before the government announced upcoming caps on the number of permits for non-permanent residents, set to take effect in 2024. This preemptive surge may indicate that many sought to secure their entry into Canada before the new regulations come into play.

Net emigration also played a role in shaping the population dynamics. The agency reported a net emigration of 12,613 people for the quarter. This figure represents the balance between those who left the country and those who returned after a period abroad.

Canada’s steady population growth underscores the nation’s ongoing appeal as a destination for immigrants and non-permanent residents alike. As the country continues to attract diverse groups of people, the cultural and economic fabric of Canada is expected to become even more vibrant and dynamic.

These latest population figures come amidst broader discussions about immigration policy and its impacts on Canadian society. With new caps on permits for non-permanent residents looming, it remains to be seen how these changes will influence future population trends.


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