Transport Minister Omar Alghabra, airlines, airport authorities to appear at committee regarding air travel chaos

by The Canadian Parvasi

Team Parvasi – Inside

Canada’s Transport Minister Omar Alghabra, Executives from major airlines, and airport authorities are all set to appear in a special committee on Thursday called to address the air travel chaos that occurred over the holidays.

MPs on the Transport committee congregated on Monday and unanimously called for a committee regarding the holiday air travel chaos, despite the House of Commons not currently sitting.

Executives from Sunwing Airlines, Air Canada and WestJet will reportedly be the first to appear before the MPs in the committee in the morning.

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Following the MPs, Canada’s Transport Minister Omar Alghabra is scheduled to answer the committee in the afternoon.

“Last summer and this winter, we’ve seen certain examples where passengers felt they were not communicated with, their rights were not upheld…So we need to strengthen the rules,” Minister Alghabra previously stated.



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